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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to join the pack?

The annual fee is $180 and includes a class B pack t-shirt and covers some of the pack’s costs. There may be some fees for uniforms and optional events (i.e. a camp out or Lake Elsinore Storm Scout Night). BSA is a non-profit organization, so the annual fee and many of these event costs are offset by BSA fundraising. Cub Scouting is extremely economical and the benefits, both material and personal, far exceed the monetary cost.

How do I pay the fees?

You can make payments by clicking here. We accept payments through Venmo. There are no transaction fees to you or the pack.

How do we join?

You can find detailed instructions about registering online here. You can also setup a time to visit a Den or Pack meeting or events to get a taste of what we have to offer.

How do I submit the completed medical forms?

For now, please give your completed forms to the den leader (we are working on accepting form submissions online).

When & where can we join?

You can join any time during the year while your son or daughter is enrolled in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Dens generally meet 2 times per month and the Pack holds meeting on the last Wednesday of the month at the Ronald Reagan Elementary School. You can find out upcoming events here.

What fundraising activities does the pack conduct?

Our Pack only conducts one fundraiser during the year which is selling popcorn. By meeting the Pack's popcorn individual sales goal, annual fees and pack-sponsored events are covered. On the plus side, there are some pretty fun incentives to sell as well.

Our family is not that religious, can we still be members?

As a non-sectarian organization, each scout, family, and faith tradition defines that in their own way. The Pack is chartered by the Masonic Lodge of Chino but scouts of all faiths are welcome and part of the Pack. Each rank includes a religious/spiritual component that can be completed by any scouting family, even those without a formal religious affiliation. They are generally designed to encourage conversations within families around their family’s faith and values, whatever those may be, and service to others.

Who runs the pack?

Cub Scouting is entirely run by volunteers, including a Pack Committee, Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmasters and Den Leaders. New volunteers are critically important to keep the Pack running smoothly so if you are interested in getting more involved you can get in touch with your Den Leader or send us a message. All leaders are provided training by the BSA that covers both how to fulfill the duties of their position and youth protection training. You can learn more about the leadership of Pack 803 here.

My family is pretty busy, how many events do we need to attend?

We know that kids/families are really busy today. It’s most important to attend monthly den meetings so scouts don’t fall behind on earning their rank advancement. Pack meetings are held monthly and we usually schedule 1-2 other fun activities and events each month. Pack meetings and events are important (and often help with advancement too), but you don’t need to attend every single one if you have conflicts with other activities, sports, events, etc. But we do hope that most scouts will become members of our community and will want to attend as much as possible.