2024 Popcorn Fundraiser
Being a non-profit organization, selling popcorn helps our Pack fund all of our activities, advancements, and adventures throughout the year. In addition, it is the biggest recruitment activity for our Pack since our scouts are out in storefronts setting an example in the public eye. Some additional benefits:
What’s New This Year?
Jessica is our new Popcorn Kernel! If you need to get a hold of her, his cell # is 909-938-9022. Her house will be where all popcorn for storefronts will be picked up and dropped off to. See below in “How to Sell” section to learn popcorn storefront pick up/drop off which is the same as previous years. If for any reason, any info regarding storefront pick up/drop off needs to change some weekends, it will be communicated through the Band app.
Address: 4898 S Tangerine Way, Ontario, CA 91762
Everything is done through the TrailsEnd app, whether it be storefront, wagon, or online sales.
For storefront sales, you sign up for shifts. When you get to the store during your shift time, you will go into the storefront section for that signed up shift and start selling from there. NEW THIS YEAR…most storefront shifts are 1 scout per shift. If you would lie to sell another, contact Jessica or Jove and they can add that additional scout to the shift. Storefront sales are split evenly amongst the scouts selling during that shift. Because of this, only one phone is needed to record the sales if multiple scouts are selling at the same shift as they will be both credited evenly for that shift. If a scout misses a shift, let the popcorn kernel know.
If for any reason, you lose Internet connectivity (app goes down), record sales on a piece of paper until you can get the app back up and working.
Parents should only use one username/password for their scout. That will avoid problems/headaches of storefronts shifts/sales not showing up under one account or the other.
If your scout is not registered for popcorn sales under TrailsEnd yet, send Jessica or Jove a message and we can get you a link to register.
Scout Benefits
Salesmanship and Entrepreneurship
Learning to set and reach goals through action helps Scouts develop important business skills. They learn how to best represent themselves and persuade others. In the future, they can use these tools to gain funding for a revolutionary business idea or be a strong team leader within their organization.
Association with Adults
Kids are sometimes shy or fearful around adults, even ones they know. For most, this does resolve itself as they age. They gain the opportunity for exposure and practice communicating with adults by participating in the popcorn sale. They build the confidence that will make future things like college essays, job interviews and talking to their boss so much easier. It sounds like a simple interaction, but it’s a way for them to overcome a tough barrier and learn how to navigate an adult-run world.
Grow and Sustain Scouting
Scouting is not just an activity, but also a future career path. The mission of the organization needs strong leaders to carry the mentorship and impact forward into future generations. Everything they learn by participating prepares them to teach others what they know in Scouting or whatever future career they choose. Popcorn also brings Scouting to the attention of many others who may not be familiar with all that Scouting has to offer.
Fund Membership and Activities
Popcorn funds all the amazing activities in our Scouting program such as membership/recharter fees, camping adventures, Council activities, and much more! Our Pack receives 1/3 of total sales and our Council receives an additional 1/3!
TrailsEnd App Training Videos
Attached are 10 videos that will give a quick run down on sales and some app functionality.
2024 Popcorn Product
Get to know this year’s products: Same product as last year minus the Sea Salt big box.
Pack Incentives
Since we encourage earning your own way, the Pack rewards you based off your total sales.
Council Incentives
In addition to the incentives above, Council usually offers 2 free tickets to those that sell at least $3000 to the Ontario Regin Scout Night in December.
In addition to Pack and Council incentives, TrailsEnd prizes are based on the total amount they sell. TrailsEnd prizes are Amazon gift cards and samples of things you can get are below.
How to Sell
There are different ways of selling popcorn which include:
Storefront Sales - Starts when we get the popcorn on August 9th. We allow 1 scout to sell during a shift (more if requested). The sales during the shift will be split evenly if more than 1 scout is involved. The TrailsEnd app is used for sales.
If you are the first shift of the day at a storefront (no matter what time), you are in charge of picking up all the inventory the night before at the “popcorn storage house” by 9PM. Message Jessica when you are on your way to pick up.
If you are the last shift of the day at a storefront (no matter what time), you are in charge of bringing all the inventory back to the “popcorn storage" house” by 9PM. Message Jessica when you are on your way to drop off.
Wagon Sales - Can be done to family, friends, etc. prior to having the actual product. Record any wagon sales through the TrailsEnd app under Wagon sales and be sure to record the name, and pick appropriate status of Delivered/Undelivered.
Online - Using your scout’s personal TrailsEnd’s link and share it on social media networks, Zoom parties, etc.